Why Not to D.I.Y.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), is public information that can be found online. But just because the information is available to the public, it doesn’t mean you should be searching for it yourself.

When you search for evidence online, you put yourself and your firm at risk.

What could go wrong?

  • Tampering: any attempt to alter, conceal, falsify or destroy online evidence can be costly for your case or bring lawsuits against your firm.
  • Exposure: failure to encrypt sensitive information with secure servers can leave you vulnerable to data breaches.
  • Unethical behavior: “liking” photos or “friending” the plaintiff or plaintiff connections can render your findings inadmissible in court.
  • False positives: there are over 302 million social media users in the US making misidentification likely especially without proper training and authentication tools.

At SMI Aware, we eliminate these risks by collecting and preserving data using our own proprietary software, engineered to ethically and consistently perform. Our analysts are all Certified Social Media Intelligence Experts (CSMIE) through the McAfee Institute. Our highly trained analysts use a blend of automated software—which incorporates data from traditional search engines, social media sites, the deep web, and even structured databases. Our team is trained to discreetly identify, collect, and verify personal data with swiftness and accuracy. The work of our analysts is repeatable, unbiased, ethical, and compliant.

Contact SMI Aware to start your investigations, because HOW we collect data is just as important as WHY.

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You don't know what you don't know

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